The PAGLI PACHAMAMA TOUR Europe Summer 2023
Youth to Youth: Be the Change !
Women Inspiring Network, in association with the U.S. Embassy, New Delhi, is hosting a live panel discussion titled ‘Youth to Youth: Be the Change’ . With the accomplished and eminent set of panelists, the discussion will focus on their professional journey, inspiration, challenges, success stories, how they feel about youth empowerment, and much more. . […]

Pachamama – A Tribute to Mother Nature
Released 3rd July, 2021 on International Plastic Bag Free Day ! Tritha dedicates this album to the beautiful Mother Earth “Pachamama. Known as this name and as Mother Gaia, far away in the lands of South America, never has she been so needed to be loved and worshipped again by Humans. Planet earth has only […]

“Prophet in the Peacock Garden” New Release EP
Artist: World Wild Web & Tritha (incl. The Juan Maclean and Franz Matthews Remixes) Label: HIFI/LOFI Records Artwork: Olivia Fraser Dalrymple GRAB UR COPY HERE: https://hifilofi.streamlink.to/prophet French producer World Wild Web joins forces with Indian vocalist Tritha Sinha for a psychedelic trip into the garden of electronic bliss on HIFI/LOFI Records, backed by two remixes from long-time DFA collaborator The Juan MacLean, and label boss Franz Matthews. […]

A Song for Mother Earth
A long time ago, I embarked on a trip beyond all the music I knew. All the traditional and popular sounds in my education and repertoire had now brought me to the doorway to my original songwriting: PaGLi was the beginning, embracing madness to find my freedom. A decade on, now Pachamama beckons me to […]

A Decision for Life
You must have heard of S*P*A*C*E, my team with my best friend, the fun and quirky singer-songwriter Ritika Singh. And you may have heard the song or seen the video of Zindagi Bitani. First conceived at home in Kolkata in 2009, as we tinkered with settings on the latest music software, Zindagi Bitani was released […]

Tritha in America for OneBeat 2016
In September and October 2016, Tritha was selected for one of the world’s foremost music residencies, OneBeat, convening innovative musicians from every region of the world to the U.S. for exhilarating performances, discussions, interactive music-making events, and more. OneBeat grew out of a notion that musical collaboration is a uniquely powerful way to connect people […]

Make SPACE for the Indian Women !
Tritha’s social responsibility as a musician and artist is to inspire empowermen of women in India. Hence she founded a collective, SPACE of free-thinking radical women and supporters of free women in the Indian society. SPACE is a journey seen from the eyes of the modern indian woman. Musicians and women expressionists from various parts […]

the pagli tour
Promoting the release of the first studio album of the band, The PaGLi Tour went to 41 cities in 6 countries across the Indian Ocean and Europe from July 2013 until September 2014. The PaGLi Tour covered India Malaysia, France, Italy, Germany and Madagascar. The album PaGLi is distributed digitally worldwide by SONY MUSIC India.